Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anna, beware!

SO, the constitutional hagglers are back...back with prank!

There seem to be many versions of the law in a  democracy.In a true democracy like India, it seems to have more than many, and all true to the individual spirit and motive of the pursuer. Probably, Baba Saheb smelled the future rot when he offered a salt pouch to the visitors to the constitution-marriage party.Constitution is not the panacea to all Indian problems, but a mere guiding torch in the hands of future bearers and their institutions, he declared with prophetic certitude.

One version was evident when Baba Ramdev was given the reddest carpet(available) welcome by a bevy of  motivated constitutional guardians at one Airport,only to bundle him back through another ...thrashed,humiliated and ruffled. Probably, because the novice yoga-preacher mistook the clad for the skin. One colour  of the scheme which welcomed him faded away into the evening, once their interpretation was over , to give way to the second  which cracked down on the sleeping children,young ladies, elderlies at midnight, probably to prove that law doesn't discriminate day over night, old over young, male over's a true leveler, only of its kind.

One version is exclusively for Rahul Gandhi. For being the only harbinger of equality, justice, tribal rights, dalit empowerment and farmers' delight in the states not administered by the Congress. He can sneak in where the proverbial 'kavi' may cower out. He has constitutional and legal right to say whatever nonsense he can grumble... to travel where the hell ever he may wish hold rallies and meetings whenever and wherever he may fantasize!

Mr Gilani  comes to New Delhi...spits poison against our nation...tears hole into our sacred constitution...orchestrates a  hate-speech, every word dipped in the red  amid all media galore...goes back more pride and more defiant. His garb is farther than thy hands the great leveler!

'Chalo Delhi'!Because, a drunk truck driver mowed down a poor buffalo and the local SHO failed to take 'suit-my-demand' action. 'Chalo -Delhi'. Because, my land is not as fertile as my neighbors!

'Pahuncho Delhi'. Because, we have to celebrate our dear leader's birthday. What better way to block roads and people's lives through procession!

They all can,but you can not. Right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful demonstration, etc, as you say are the bulwark of any democracy. But, whose right? Their, Anna. They have worked really hard and for so many years to dig their respective holes to shelter themselves against all evens and odds, and now you want to plug them! Not tolerable. You are welcome if you come, disturb them for one day and go back chanting, but if you wish to dig your own hole or block theirs forever...not tolerable.

They are the government, they are the law and they are the sanctimonious institutions our constitution provides for.You? An octogenarian, ex-army driver, a common man...a common dare you the common.....!The so called civil society activists... activistssssssssss...what it means!!A bunch of disgruntled lot...a jealous bogey of incompetent power-grabbers...a few lens-savvy mavericks...what you know about the law... the nation...the corruption! They know better...much better.

 They have fed themselves on what you've been starved of. They know the taste. They won't let anybody spoil  the party of the rot and the loot...not so easily. Anna, beware...because we care...for you and this nation!!!!

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